Trusted advisors to investors, executives and entrepreneurs in financial services and financial technology

We collaborate with leaders and teams to resolve tough strategic issues and maximize long-term value.


We’ve seen it all, been there and done that, and we don’t believe “this time is different.” We have about 100 years of combined experience at the highest levels of financial services and financial technology.


We’ve been in your shoes and understand your needs. We’ll use your time wisely and tell you exactly what we think. And we’ll always keep the main thing the main thing, which is driving profitable growth and sustainable business value.


We know what we don’t know. We do know financial services and financial technology and, especially, the critical leverage points where the application of judgment and experience can yield deeper insights.



We drive strategic focus, profitable growth and long-term value creation.


We’ve seen it all, been there & done that and we don’t believe “this time is different” We have about 100 years of combined experience at the highest levels of financial services and financial technology.


We’re pretty serious and like to use time wisely. We’ll tell you what we think and always keep the main thing the main thing, which is driving profitable growth and sustainable business value.


We know what we don’t know. We do know financial services and financial technology and, especially, the critical leverage points where the application of judgment and experience can yield deeper insights.


“Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.”



The Bodhi Tree is a sacred symbol in Buddhism and is also known as the wisdom tree. We are inspired to work to translate experience and knowledge into practical wisdom that can drive action and results.

Back to Basics

There are a few simple observations that reflect our experience and inform our approach to the marketplace:


The last few years have been fun but also a major distortion of reality.


Adjusting to the new realities will take time but will yield very attractive opportunities for long-term value creation.


What matters most – and always has – is sustainable, profitable growth.


There is a premium on practical experience, knowledge and dispassionate rationality.


The winners will build durable businesses on solid strategic, operational, financial, regulatory and organizational foundations.